Harald Bohr forelæsning med James Maynard på KU 25/9 kl 15:30
Fieldsmedajlevinder James Maynard forelæser på Københavns Universitet.
James Maynard (Oxford) holder en Harald Bohr forelæsning på Københavns Universitet onsdag 25/9 kl 15:30. Forelæsningen finder sted i Auditorium 1 på H. C. Ørstedsinstituttet.
Maynard fik Fields-medaljen i 2022 for sine mangfoldige bidrag til talteorien. Han har tillige fået flere priser og hædersbevisninger.
Foredraget har titlen “Prime numbers and zero densities.” Abstractet er at finde nedenfor.
The Riemann Hypothesis, often considered one of the most important open problems in mathematics, would have a number of fantastic consequences for our understanding of the distribution of prime numbers. It claims that all the (non-trivial) zeros of a complex function (the Riemann zeta function) have real part equal to 1/2. However, it turns out that several of these consequences would actually follow from a weaker ‘zero density’ result that says ‘most’ zeros lie ‘close’ to the line with real part equal to 1/2. I’ll describe this picture, as well as recent work (joint with Larry Guth) that improves an 80-year-old estimate on the density of zeros, with corresponding improvements for the distribution of primes.
Flere informationer om Maynard og foredraget er at finde på https://www.math.ku.dk/english/calendar/events/hbl-maynard/.
Simon Kristensen