DMF-foredrag med June Barrow-Green på KU 10/10 kl 17:00

Professor i matematik-historie, June Barrow-Green holder foredrag på Københavns Universitet 10. oktober.

June Barrow-Green (Open University) holder et foredrag i regi af Dansk Matematisk Forening på Københavns Universitet torsdag 10/10 kl 17:00. Forelæsningen finder sted i Auditorium 2 på H. C. Ørstedsinstituttet.

June Barrow-Green er professor ved Open University i England. Hun skrev ph.d. om Poincaré og hans arbejde om tre-legeme-problemet. Hun har siden blandt meget andet leveret værdifulde bidrag til forskningen om kvinder i matematik, både i et historisk og et nutidigt perspektiv. Hendes foredrag omhandler den historiske vinkel på netop dette.

Foredraget har titlen “A sex so little made to brave the thorns of science: The historical representation of women in mathematics.” Abstractet er at finde nedenfor.

From medieval times to the modern day, female mathematicians, real and fictional, have been represented in a variety of ways, both visually and verbally. By studying such representations, we learn about the women represented and about the attitudes prevailing at the time the representations were created. But deeper questions are invited. How did these representations shape the types of mathematical knowledge women were able to claim? What effect do these representations have on modern-day viewers and readers? Do they, for instance, continue to marginalise the mathematical expertise of women? How can they be used to encourage the participation of women in the mathematical community today?

June Barrow-Green er ligeledes en del af den fejring af Jesper Lützen, der finder sted på Københavns Universitet dagen efter. Dansk Matematisk Forening er stolte over at have støttet arrangementet.

Alle er velkomne!

Simon Kristensen